Lower alum, organic detoxification, pest restriction, prevention of roots rot, providing essential minerals to help plants grow comprehensively, regenerate the roots, thrive, the plant to many bran roots, silk roots, green, leaf thickness, fat stems.
User manual
* Fruit trees: Orange, grapefruit, rambutan, longan, coffee, cocoa, tea, rubber, pepper, cashew…
– Mixed fertilizer: use 10-12kg / ha with fertilizers (phosphorus, NPK, DAP, Ura …) for the initial fertilizing phase in the middle and late rainy season.
– Watering: Mix 1kg with 600-800 liters of water, water 10 liters -15 liters / root (depending on age of plants)
*Vegetables:watermelon, tomato, chili, cucumber, bitter melon:
– Leaf spray: Mix 20g / 16 liter bottle or mix 1kg with 800 liters, spray after planting 4-5 days to plant fast, fast out new leaves
Quickly recover, absorb fertilizer quickly, quickly release new leaves
Mix with original fertilizer: Mix 500g with different fertilizers (Lan, mixed NPK, DAP, Urea …) and apply 1,000m2
*On rice: Use 1-2kg / ha, apply primer or top dressing (7-10 days after sowing): mix with fertilizer (fertilizers, mixed NPK, DAP, Urea …)